Daniel · 12 answers · 4y

Do you think that people will still celebrate the new year with fireworks in 70 years?

hmm, I hope not given how disruptive they are (to animals, people with PTSD, etc.), the amount of waste produced that isn't properly cleaned, and how destructive they can be. not to say I think they should be banned, but it is a silly tradition imo. I know it's symbolic and all, but I just think about the time some goofy ass teenagers in my home state set an entire gorge forest on fire a few years ago by fireworks. I just don't think fireworks are important enough to justify how much damage they can do. they are purely symbolic. there has to be a better alternative.

this reminds me: I think the most American thing that happened to me is that on one Sunday evening last year I heard some loud popping noises outside, which I just thought were fireworks because it's America and sometimes people shoot off fireworks for no reason. I come to find out on the news a few days later that they were actually gunshots and one of my neighbors across the street (different apartment complex) was murdered in his apartment. so that's fun

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