Pandy · 11 answers · 4y

UK citizens are now automatically opted-in for organ donation upon death. What are your thoughts on this? (and would you opt in or out?)

I think that's wack. as an individual I am very much for organ donation and donating your body for scientific/academic purposes of your own accord, but that should not be the default for everybody. if you want more people to voluntarily sign up to be organ donors after death then incentivize it for the donors and their families somehow. don't try and slyly force people into it. this just doesn't sit right with me. I don't know what kind of bureaucracy is wrapped up in all of this but I could easily imagine a scenario where people and their families are either 1) unaware of this new rule and/or 2) unable to have the decision overturned because of legal bullshit, and consequently have their deceased loved one's bodily integrity violated against their wishes. seems like an easy way to take advantage of people

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