Ace Porter.
Canterbury, UK
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Enzo · 3mo

Hello, Ace. I'm the sender from ssefnum, would you mind to shoot me a followback? Thanks.

Madeleine · 3mo


Terima kasih banyak atas transferan uangnya, Yang Mulia Madeleine. Tuhan memberkati. 🙏🏻

Anonymous Coward · 5mo

dad izin deketin anaknya🙏🙏

Anonymous Coward · 6mo

Anyway sorry I saw your tweet but that circle already have bad image and always disrespecting everyone and kept thinking that they're cool for doing that but sadly they just a bunch of loser. So I suggest you to not interact with them, good luck.

Daniel Leo · 6mo

Satu pasangan tak cukup, dua simpanan juga tak cukup.

Daniel Leo · 11 answers · 7mo

For scientific purposes, kalian lebih suka sabun yang finishnya licin apa keset?

Alyssa Adkins · 8mo

Kenapa lampu merah dipanggilnya lampu merah, kan kasihan kuning sama hijau gak dianggep.

Karena lampu merah kalau dipanggil lampu hijau tandanya sudah move on. Alyssa sudah move on?

Anonymous Coward · 8mo

Hi Ace. Gimana weekend nya kali ini? - 🐈‍⬛

Weekend saya loyo cing, karena masih digempur kerjaan. How about your weekend, cing?

Anonymous Coward · 8mo

tiap liat usn kamu aku bacanya pake logat jawa. citronandes. nang ndi? ndes. mbelgedes.

Daniel Leo · 8mo

How do you cope with burn out?

I tend to have some self-talks, then ask myself what made me feel this way. Before you reach out someone else, learn to validate about what you feel first. Give yourself some space from everything might help, in hope you can figure out the way you out from your heavy feelings. Never forget to embrace yourself first, Leo. Nobody can feel it except you.

Daniel Leo · 8mo

Semisal lu jadi ayam, lu nangis gak lihat telur lu dimasak balado?

Kagak, mungkin ini salah satu cara peme-r1ntah menekan angka kelahiran yang membludak. Ayam sekali bertelur bisa sampai 10 biji, sedangkan negara kita menerapkan dua anak lebih baik.

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