Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Evilschmevil · 12mo

numbknee i keep rereading the i’m with stupid serious like the bible and ik u said it’s finished but are stan and kyle still gonna be mad at each other?? how do they make up? does stan like him? is that why he’s mad?? :’( i don’t want the super best friends to stay apart like thiiisssss stan get over urself!!! 😭

OOF I AM SO SORRY THIS REPLY IS SO LATE FORGIVE MEEEE (I had to figure out how to turn on notifs for retrospring)

the series is not finished! I plan on eventually making more parts for it that resolve the conflict between stan and kyle, and also some parts that go more into kyle and cartman's relationship struggles. also omg how can u read my mind OF COURSE stan is mad cuz he has a giant fucking crush on kyle!! though his repressed ass does NOT recognize it as a crush, all he knows is "hmm I get this horrible feeling in the pit of my stomach when I see kyle and cartman together that makes me want to scream and tear my hair out. it must be because cartman's a bad person. nope, I'm not feeling any romantic envy at aaaaaall" lmao. it's ok tho, stan loves kyle enough to let him go....eventually. for now he shall remain a grumpy pants

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