Ocean Flower · 5 answers · 6mo

Happy (early) new year, everyone. Hope y’all always healthy and get more happiness. Thank you for being here!

Happy (belated) new year too, my ocean flower. I'm beyond sorry for the tardiness and thank youuu for your kindly wished. Semoga doa baiknya kembali lagi ke Bubu yaaa. <3

Happy (late) new year! Thank you for the kind words. I hope 2024 will bring you so much joy and happiness. Thank you for being here, too.

Happy new year for you too, cantik! Wishing many good things will come to you ahead this year and please remember to keep blooming prettily 🌹

Happy new year, my dearest lil sister! I'm thankful for your presence in my life and I hope we will stay close for as long as possible. Let's keep going and grow even stronger in 2024! 💐❤️

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