Dingus · 5 answers · 2y

So ummm... Y'all got any ghost stories or nightmare tales about horrific restrooms? 👀

(Copy-pasted from an answer I made on ask.fm to save me having to type it again)

What’s the most haunted place in England?

Don't know, but I both love/hate how creepy some old buildings feel. One of the creepiest places I've been to was the upstairs of an old pub. I went up there to go to the toilet. I was alone. At the top of the stairs there was an unsettling and very dark hallway. Fortunately the gents' was immediately to my right so I could get the hell out of that hallway. As I was peeing I felt like there was a 'presence' and I heard a small object drop on the floor behind me. I couldn't immediately turn around, because as I said, I was peeing, so I just tried to stay calm. When I finished my business and I turned around, predictably there was nobody there, but the odd thing was that there was nothing on the floor. If there was a logical explanation for that sound (e.g., a screw from the hand dryer falling off) there would be something on the floor. I looked all around but there was nothing, and nowhere it could've rolled under. I didn't go up there alone the next time 😆

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