Alice · 10 answers · 1y

Have you ever collected anything before? Tell me about it.

Lebih ke meneruskan koleksi dari papa sih. I used to collect stamps and postcards (and I lost the album somewhere in my house). Kalau nanti ada waktu dan uangnya mengalir juga mau mulai koleksi vinyl since I already have one stored

Collecting photocard was a phase. You did feel the thrill of fighting over the slot in order to get your desired pc in lowest price possible or just go insane.. i guess. Sekarang masih kolek tapi pc di bot discord. 😭

Weird but I once collected botol bekas sabun/shampoo hotel...? because dad went here and there a lot back then. 😁

When I was a kid, I'm collecting Tom and Jerry CD/DVDs. I wonder if my parents still keep the CDs...

I used to collect KPop albums, but I've stopped that since 5 years ago, I guess?

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