PK · 3 answers · 11mo

OK SO i know most people tend to just see meta knight as a collective entity, but i really love when i notice people having certain biases to specific depictions of him lol. and so i ask: what's everyone's favourite version of meta knight, and why? (u all probably know mine is smash shhh)

I think Game and Anime are my most favorite, mostly because most of the rps I've done, it's always Anime Meta <3 game is cool cause yes. I mean he does the old man stretch in return to dreamland deluxe what more can you ask for?!?!?!?

Hmmm well I do love them all although I'm not too familiar with how he is in the novels ; v;

probably game meta is my favorite one! Amazing mirror was my introduction/first Kirby game and it was all downhill from there gdhdsh It's just so awesome to see how much he's changed from being one of DDD's underlings to the cool, heroic, and chivalrous knight we have today and I always get so giddy seeing him <3 also seeing his colors from the gba/ds era makes me very nostalgic lol

(Pk's favorite is smash??? Never saw that one coming :3c )

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