Alice 💋 · 3 answers · 3y

Why is Winston Churchill viewed so favorably by history? Despite being enemies he had a lot in common with Hitler.

When white people write history there tends to be a number of lies by commission, lies by omission, or at least a lack of nuance, when it comes to chronicling the character and influence of "great people" who were cartoonishly racist. But those accounts of history are taught in schools and used as sources for films and television. Churchill is also supposed to have things in common with the presidents that were considered some of our best, and some of those things were also attributed to Hitler. Hitler is still described as "intelligent, a great orator" and "bold" or at least he is over here, and we still have slave owners on our money, and it's supposedly because they also possessed these qualities. So the representation of Churchill doesn't seem that unique when it comes to how white leaders are remembered.

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