Wasserpistole · 9 answers · 3y

What is your opinion about pubic hair?

Facial hair is not particularly different from pubic hair to me, except with the facial hair you're looking at on other people all the time. With pubic hair, you're not actually seeing it all day provided you live someplace where clothes are encouraged. Like I don't get how you can piss around about someone having pubic hair while you have a bunch of it displayed on your face. And it's important that everyone understand that I'm not saying, "hey, if you have a beard? That's nasty! Be ashamed!" I'm saying, I don't think having a beard (if it's for you) or having pubic hair is wrong or something people should remove or should feel ashamed of. You can remove it if you want, or if you have to for some reason beyond your control, like you have to have surgery. I'm not eleven, the concept of body hair is not new to me, it's either there or you painfully removed it. That's it. Keep it out of salads, and if everyone involved is a basically adjusted adult then pubic hair shouldn't be a big deal. Ofc, if someone was in some Big or 13 going On 30 situation, where they were an adolescent and then suddenly an adult and they pissed around a ton about pubic hair, I would get that. I'd be sympathetic to that, I'd be like, "wow, this is really new for you because you made a wish, either on your birthday through some magic wishing dust, or after inserting a coin into an antique animatronic fortune teller that you realize, shockingly, hasn't even been plugged in this entire time... And now you're a full grown adult, with a completely established life, and you're finding out you don't like the person you grow up to be and you don't know how to go back or fix your adult self. So is pubic hair the least of your problems rn? Sure, but you go ahead and cry about it, buddy." You know, that kind of thing.

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