Daniel · 9 answers · 3y

What has someone said to you that will stick with you forever?

I don't know that there's anything that will stick with me forever. Who knows what head injuries or how much cognitive decline the future has in store for me.

One time, when I was a kid (maybe ten-years-old?), my cousin (who was a year younger than me), called me on the phone to tell me about her boyfriend. But on that particular day, she'd also watched the Passion of the Christ with her bible class. So she told me she watched the Passion of the Christ. And I was like, "oh, yeah?" and she was like, "yeah. It's sad what they done to Jesus, huh?"

I think about that like once a month: "It's sad what they done to Jesus, huh?"

I went on a walk on a trail with a friend one morning. He asked why no one was there at the park, and I was like "It's Sunday, and it's sad what they done to Jesus, huh?"

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