Teo · 11 answers · 5y

In your onion, should professional workplaces should lax their policies/attitudes towards hiring employees with visible tattoos? elaborate because yes/no answers are boring, ty!

Yes. You can be say, an industrial worker, and have tattoos for days though, ofc. No one worries about it. It's just most retail and certain highbrow professions that really have an issue with this in terms of image. A doctor with a few visible tattoos really shouldn't be anyone's concern. You can be elected for the highest office if you have 20+ allegations of sexual assault brought against you. Would that matter more if the dude had a visible tattoo? Are tattoos really where people want to draw the line here? If they do, they surely need to reevaluate what does and doesn't make someone seem professional or trustworthy in this era.

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