Daniel · 13 answers · 1y

Is it important to you to be unique?

No, tHe nAiL tHaT sTiCkS oUt gEtS hAmMeReD dOwN

Actually, not because of that, but because I've always question(ed) what I perceive(d) as "uniqueness" at different periods of my life. The more information I get, the less things and people seem "unique" (and that can be exciting, or disappointing). I can't count the number of times that I've thought something was DIFFERENT and turned out that I simply didn't know or didn't realize how much of a thing it was in the wider world. Some people's idea of unique is another person's idea of an extremely typical conspiracy theorist, so I try to be careful. But I do think that perceiving something, someone, or even yourself, as "unique" can be valuable and positive. It's just that it can also be distressing and limiting, ignorant, annoying and conceded, or all of those things. If I'm not aware of or deny the ways in which I'm similar to someone, then I got trouble. If I'm not aware of or deny the ways in which I'm different from them, then I still got trouble. So my sometimes ability to do both those things is important to me.

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