Daniel · 14 answers · 2y

What's your favorite curse word?

It's probably goddamn, because it used to make my dad go nuts. Blind with rage, if I said goddamn. I got in so much trouble, but my brother thought it was so funny. Dad would also say, "IF YOU SAY THAT IN FRONT OF YOUR GRANDMA SHE WILL LAY YOU OUT!" So at night, I'd plot to say it in front of her, but it had to be at the exact right time or else my brother wouldn't think it was the funniest thing that's ever happened. I was 100% sure he'd pass away from laughing so hard, and any slap would be worth it. But you know what? I never did it. Maybe the time never came, or maybe I just had too much respect for the elderly. Or maybe? Maybe she was scary.

It's also really funny on Fantastic Mr. Fox when the word "cuss" is a curse word. So I like that.

And I feel I should mention, I also really like "batshit" and "bugfuck."

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