Daniel · 8 answers · 2y

Do you find chicken cute?

The fluffy ones get me pretty good. Silkies are very funny to watch walk around.

My grandma kept a few chickens (not the fluffy kind) and in my experience they tend to, perhaps rightfully, hate people deeply. But one of her hens hatched some kids. My brother and I named them all, and I was attached to one that we called Ginger. nOt lIke tHe oThEr gIrLs, she was really friendly. She was ofc murdered brutally by some animal that did not eat her, so you got to take a good hard look at the aftermath. RIP Ginger.

So yeah, chickens, even adult ones, are pretty cute when they're healthy and well taken care of. As cute as ducks? No, but ya didn't hear it from me.

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