Daniel · 14 answers · 11mo

Are you a dog or a cat person?

I like both dogs and cats quite a lot. I think an introverted dog is a great way to ruin what's left of my sense of self-worth, though.

I feel like I have a better understanding of cats and it's easier for me to accept any cat as they are, but I have expectations for dogs. Or rather, I have expectations for my relationship with a dog, and when they're unmet I feel like I shouldn't be alive. A cat can love me deeply, or reject me entirely, and I still go, "yes, I like this experience." So I think my love of cats is unconditional, and probably kind of unhinged.

I've never actually gone out and gotten a cat or a dog, they come to me. If you're going by critters I have actually pursued, I'm a rodent person or a bug person.

The first time I posted this the words were wrong

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