Kate Matsuda · 5 answers · 9mo

Provocative question: Some Evangelical Christians in the US reject some things in the Bible as too leftist. Read about it the other minute. Can somebody in the know clear things up for me?

I dont feel like there's much to be in the know about or clear up. It's just saying the thing aloud that they've actually been doing.

It's mainly cult-like behavior and this oppressive-authority-quality of religion that attracts those people to it? They're fascists, they want to do fascism. Some of the Jesus "teachings" are famously not exactly embracing fascism. They want(ed) to use Christianity to their advantage, but ultimately it is an already well-established authority that isn't their state. They try to marry it to their state, but you run into problems like Jesus being pro care for the sick or injured. Or you know, the whole "eye of a needle" thing means you or your true messiah will not be going to Heaven.

I mean they've never really been into Jesus. It's the groupies, not the music.

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