Kate Matsuda · 5 answers · 9mo

Provocative question: Some Evangelical Christians in the US reject some things in the Bible as too leftist. Read about it the other minute. Can somebody in the know clear things up for me?

I'm with you sister.If they have concerns or objections, they should just rewrite it.

I feel like that's not really an exclusively Christian thing, at least the part where the devout will ignore the lines of the holy text that don't line up with their worldview - the political ideology gets crowbarred into the religion (regardless of the poor fit) instead of religious beliefs shaping the ideology

Idk, but I've seen arguments made with several Jesus quotes or aspects of his life that Jesus would have been a liberal, while it seems that most Christians, at least in the US, are Republicans. It's so angeringly hypocritical that their religion tells them to love everyone and they choose the selfish and bigoted political party. It's even more hypocritical that some would outright reject certain parts of the Bible for their convenience even though their religion upholds that the entire Bible, or at least the New Testament, is the infallible word of God, especially Jesus' words if you otherwise have any doubts.

I'm deeply uninformed but my best bet is that it isn't about what's written in the Bible, it's about the interpretation. There may be some things they don't accept even if solid interpretations allow those things. Or they may fall back to the old testament to justify things that don't go well with the new testament.

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