Merida · 9 answers · 9mo

Is it ever a proof of love to let go? Have you ever stopped yourself to say I love you for the last time just to let them go in peace?

I think it can be, but I get kind of cagey when it comes to saying what is "proof" of love. Because people have different reactions to very difficult situations in their lives involving loved ones. And I don't want to project that love, attachment, isn't the driving force behind a lot of those reactions. Being unable to let go of someone or something doesn't mean you don't love them enough, either. Or at least I don't think so.

But the important thing is, I don't think that "letting go" or rather, things like euthanasia for an extremely ill pet, or accepting a loved one's decision not to pursue treatment for a terminal illness, should ever be called "proof" of a lack of love. That's a guilt-inducing perspective that some people have on situations they simply do not understand, even if they've been through something that seems similar to them.

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