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Pandy · 11 answers · 1y

How do you mend a (metaphorical) broken heart?

I don't know anything about mending broken hearts or closure. It feels like there's always a little something there to me. I feel like ya just jump to bigger heartbreaks, and that forces you to switch to nursing those wounds instead, never any time to really heal. And that's just if you're lucky enough to have started your life without experiencing the biggest possible heartbreak you could have very early on. As some people are those people.

It sounds really pessimistic, I know. I dont mean it to be toxic and doomy though, and I'm open to the idea that some people's heartbreaks do heal, even if they can't explain how. But I think brokenheart is the average, and what's incredible about people is they just live with what is so totally painful. Cracking their joke(s), curating collections, adopting three-legged dogs. Just humans playing Song of Stroms on every possible instrument, tryna stay busy. It's sad, but it makes people more lovable, at least to me.

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