Teo · 12 answers · 4y

What's your favorite and least favorite chore to do around your home?

Least favorite is the entire process of stripping bedding, washing it, and re-sheeting the bed. I'm a big goddamn privileged-sheet-owning baby about it. I just straight hate that shit. Even if it goes smoothly I am s u f f e r i n g all the way through it. Trying to carry the old bedding away from my room and the dog's tripping me the whole time, it's like I'm being punished. I was putting the sheets on my bed, and I put the mf fitted sheet on wrong and it oingo-boingoed off the corners like a dumb bitch and I had to say aloud, "is there anything more hopeless than this?" I've gone to put sheets on my naked bed and instead just crawled into it and sulked in the fetal position for like 8 minutes. My bed ain't even big. People do this for a king-sized beds? gtfo. Wish I didn't love having fresh af sheets on the bed.

I'm not sure what my favorite is tbh. I like scrubbing things, and I like sorting things. 

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