Sean ⚡🤖 · 8 answers · 4y

Tell me about the last time you gave something/someone you disliked a second chance and your opinion was changed? Or anytime I guess. Just tell me something geez SMH

A while ago a guy I vaguely know tried to give me $20 to tune his 9-year-old son's guitar. I said, "there's actually apps you can use if you don't know how to-" and he was like, "NO, I DON'T DO THAT." And I was like, "OK, I'll just do it for free then." Because I didn't like the idea of taking $20 for something sO EASY

Plot twist is that those crazy bitches still won't tune their own guitar months and months later. The dad bitch offered me $20 again to tune it for them. I accepted it, and I realized that I actually really like accepting $20 for no work. I previously thought I would feel kind of guilty, but I feel great.

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