Teo · 16 answers · 4y

How many times have you asked out / actively pursued a person you found attractive? Is it an easy thing for you to do?

More times than I can count on one hand, I gUESS. I've never approached a total stranger and been like "here's my number, don't call me because ew, but text me tho." It was usually a situation where someone showed interest in me and I asked them if they wanted to do something because I knew that my impulse to shutdown and joke off their flirts was going to send the wrong message and kill their interest, so I just had to be quick and direct. It was hard-ish, but it was also when I was mostly a lie for comfort, so folks generally liked me more. "Putting myself out there" didn't really matter as much either, I was disconnected and sedated.

I probably can't do it now, it's not safe. I think it's safer to meet people through the internet.

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