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Dogboy2709 · 5 answers · 6mo

I don't usually send ask alls like this, but I just learned that a guy in Texas changed his name to literally "Literally Anybody Else" and is running for president. Apparently he's doing this stunt to send a message of dissatisfaction between the main choice of candidates. What do you think about this?

these kinds of stunts never go anywhere bc there is no viable third party in the usa. even during the most voter turnout and highest third party voting years third parties don’t even win 10% of the vote. also bc of the electoral college third parties may as well not even exist. this sort of stunt while sure it telegraphs people’s disapproval, really only serves to split party votes and ultimately leads to awful people winning elections. if you’re gonna be politically involved in the usa there’s certain things you need to realize and that’s once the candidates are decided you basically have to vote against whoever you hate the most. in my lifetime i have never seen a candidate that inspired true hope or seemed progressive enough and it’s only been getting worse. we unfortunately live in a gerontocracy so choose your flavor of old: forgetful and stuttering or openly fascist and racist. it should be an easy decision.

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