Nicholas Avery · 9 answers · 1y

Tell me your favorite novel!

“IT” by Stephen King is impeccable. that book made me realize that he is insane. I am a slow reader, but I managed to finished 1000+ pages in a week because I was so hooked with The Losers, Pennywise, and the madness that the book offers.

I’m not a big fan of books but I do read some books and there’s this book that caught my attention, it’s called Für Immer Dein Ian by Valerie!

AKU JARANG BANGET BACAA NOVEL. ☹️ Tapi yang masih membekas banget di ingatan sih novelnya Tere Liye yang Hujan!

When You Trap a Tiger. It's so heartwarming with less conflict but people's assumption itself. Changing the others’ thought is not as easy as "trust me" since minor events happen. This book talks about family dynamics and desire.

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