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Anonymous Coward · 1y

nilai lagu ini dari 1-10

Enak. Ada vibe Little Mixnya nggak sih? Pertama denger mirip kayak lagu mereka yang Wings sedikit… ya? IYA NGGAK SIH. 8.5 out of 10. Not a song that hardly goes through my brain, sekali denger langsung yang “enak,”

Aletheia Jane · 1y

Thoughts on Aletha

Sahabat wandi! 🫂 seru, like for real. The moment you were trying to joke with me I knew that our humor matches. Someone who can look for topics to be talked to in convos? Thank you for being my friends

Lotta. · 1y

thoughts on JP/Cara dong.

Cara anak baikkk, ramah, rame, seru, paling IC. Loyal banget sama character yang dimainin. Bijak, a very good listener

anyes! · 1y

empat kaki ke atas, empat kaki ke bawah, lembut di tengah, keras di sekeliling. tebak apa

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