Seivya Denallie. · 10 answers · 1y

If you had the world’s attention for 30 seconds, what would you say?

I'd say that everyone deserves second chances and everyone can change themselves for a better one.

I think I would say, 'I hope everyone can moving forward for whatever they through, because you're precious'.

idc about world’s attention because i have my own world with my own rules. jadi ceyi nggak perlu membandingkan diri ceyi sendiri dengan orang lain. begitu yaaa mbak lily <3

I would say that “yeah it's me. I am still here, still alive and survive until today. I've done my best for my self and my family. I am trying my best to brings lots of happiness to my family. If you wanna hate me and my family? Just do it. Do whatever you want, I don't even care about all of you.”

"I am still life. I've done my best. You hate me or not, you love me or not. Listen carefully. I don't care. You throw a trash to my destiny? I don't care. Let's be happy. A "happy" one not the fake one."

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