Katie · 10 answers · 1y

If you don't mind me asking, which faceclaim did you get the most comfort out of portraying? The bonus is, you share with me fond memories you have while using them!

i have only portrayed 3 persons but i’d say i’m most comfortable being Minju! we share similar personalities so it was not hard at all portraying her. when I portrayed Jaehee i needed to act more energetic, expressive, chaotic and super confident (which i can be at times) but to think of it now, it can be a little tiring to do it everyday! (but it wasn’t, i just grew up!) Minju is my go to muse. i had never portrayed Wony since she was still so baby at that time but i think we’re kinda at similar wavelength now! sadly i don’t rp anymore so i don’t really know how it’d be like being her 🥺

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