𓍯𓂃 𝔉𝔬𝔤 ♱ ₊ 🪽 𐙚 ͜ᬊ · 16 answers · 4d

hate people who hate on your favorite characters, okay fun police so what... 😭😭😭

no literally. let people like whoever they want to lmao they're not even real. i also HATE entire ACCOUNTS dedicated to hating on a character it's so unnecessary

me when people hate on tweek because hes annoying. sorry he's LITERALLY drugged with METH??? sorry hes an anxious mentally ill child who can't stop overthinking DUE to the effects of the spiked coffee his parents give him 🙁🙁🙁 hes such a sweetie.

even worse when ur fav isn't hated but everyone just prefers all the other characters over them ;w;

some people get so serious about it and its like boo hoo its literally fiction...................

REAL.. and ships. i said i like mizurui and someone went “ERM! actually!!!! theyre just platonic friends!!!! ruikasa better!!!!” KYS

there isn't a lot of fyodor slander because he's hot and sexy I live
apparently there's quite a bit of Vanitas slander in the vnc fandom which I haven't seen myself but like wtf did he do (a lot of things actually)

how i feel on the frontlines telling media illiterate dumbasses that touya todoroki was in fact abused as a child and it isn’t his fault

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