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Chia. 🐈‍⬛ · 4 answers · 7mo

Hi, do you have any recommendations for good movies to watch? Preferably ones available on Netflix. 🤍 (series are fine too)

I have some recommendations for you and for everyone. I'm sure you're familiar with Bridgerton? It's quite popular so I hope you watch it. Then there's Sex Life, it's quite heavy but the plot is very interesting, the sexual discussion is not only about desire but also loyalty, commitment, and.. ah, you should watch it yourself. If you like Chinese Drama, try Derailment, it really has an unpredictable plot, I still adore that drama to this day. Lastly, maybe it's a little light, try Through My Window, it's the first Spanish movie I ever watched.

My eyes are currently fixated on Bridgerton, would you try and see if one episode on season 1 can steal your attention as well, Chia?

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