✦ ◡ ◡ ) brutus 𓈒𓈒𓈒⠀ · 14 answers · 13d

QOTD bc I got an idea for one
What are you known for on Retrospring? Guess what I'm known for. Jejeje.

rentrypin stuff , dabi & columbina , and then i guess a lot of people come to me for advice on things ^_^

⠀*⠀ I don't think I'm known for anything, Whether that's on here or my old account ⠀...⠀ Even If I am I wouldn't know a thing about It :P

probably nothing tbh... or that time someone was sending my moots anons asking them to unfollow me bc i'm a lesbian 😅

 Probably nothing, or that I'm a stranger that went on a follow spree. I'd love to know how others think of me.

I actually don’t know. It’s unfortunate but I dare say my most reputable role would be that of an aoba fan

I’m known for liking Laufey and Beabadoobee! And a variety of things I think!! Your known for being cool… Ace Attorney.. And Retrospring awards?

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