Gareth Falon.
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Dearest · 16d

I didn't see you around lately. Where have you been? What have you been up to these days? 

Lovely. Thank you for asking; I've been busy. I recently got invited to become a partner in business with my high school friend. We had meetings, we planned things out, and I was in charge of the renovation and decor. I was also working at the same time, only being on my phone to receive calls and give feedback about my part. Since we are planning to do our opening ceremony in the middle of May, I have to hustle a little bit, you know. How are you though? 

Dearest · 1mo

if you could pick one out of Doraemon's pocket, what would you choose? ✨

Dearest · 1mo


I'm sorry for having the life that you didn't. Maybe you should work your ass off like I did.

Dearest · 1mo

I'm afraid of that. So now it's become more specific as you wrote 'we'? That's interesting, Fal. Speaking of the genre, referring to your last line, it shall stay as it is. I don't think adding another one could add more spice to the story. But if I may suggest, you should color it crimson red. Make it like a fragile lace circling around your forefinger as you play with the rest of your touch. I can only imagine how the line would be written in.

Hmm. What a coincidence! I love red, especially crimson red and falu red. I read your suggestions as I picture them in my head, and they're wonderful. You are very good with your words.

Dearest · 1mo

Oh, please, no. You're not. In fact, some people find midnight more intensely pleasing than daylight. Kinda reminds me of "I love you better in torturing me down rather than loving me apart," which I forgot which book the vibes were from. So, the book must be wrapped in dark romance and hard love, isn't it? Would you like to add another genre to it?

Dearest · 1mo

That sounds new to me, but still. I'm a bit scared of getting lost in my own interpretation. Would that by any chance mean if love is a light, it would do nothing to you? But once it becomes a black hole, you'd let yourself be devoured by it?

100 points for you. I don't really know what to say about it but I'm addicted to a painful and dark love, rather than a lovely and cherish full ones. Weird, I know but it is what it is.

Dearest · 1mo

Eve, Falon. I'm wondering if you ever have the chance to write a book, what will be the last sentence for your epilogue?

"When love returned to him in kind, he found himself recoiling, pushing away those who cared for him the most."

𖤐 · 1mo

hi gareth. how do you usually spend your weekend?

Dearest · 1mo

is there a way for me to get close to you

Talk to me, in dm or replying to my tweet. I like a conversation with long replies though.

Dearest · 1mo

What’s your type again? A lot better if you can be specific

Actually I don't really have a type, as long as we click then we're good to go. But I am weak, helpless and hopeless when it comes to a girl with tattoos.

Dearest · 1mo

Hi, Here I'm again. Do you want me to appear in front of you? And what will you do if I do, Love? 'Cause I feel I wanna kiss you so bad. I mean. . . Miss you so bad today.

Dearest · 1mo

what would a perfect date look like to you?

Midnight drive without destination, bougie dinner, thrifting together, cooking together and napping together. With a little inappropriate touch maybe.

Dearest · 1mo

be honest please. are you currently seeing someone?

Every night. Hot ladies, older than me, tatted, colored hair and they give me a kisses on the cheek every time before they go back home.

Dearest · 1mo

Seeing how confident you are makes me even more eager to flirt with you. So, are you ready to flirt with each other? Ah, I mean, get yourself ready, baby.

I hope you know what you bring to the table and what you get yourself into. And, by the way, be brave enough to come up to my face. It'll be way more fun that way than hiding. 

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