abell · 24 answers · 1mo

hello peeps! please tell me the best movie/series you've ever watched so far.

Ayo nonton Dead Poets Society! Kalau series, boleh banget coba tonton The Good Place!

The Greatest Showman, Aladdin, To All The Boys I've Loved Before, All Ghibli movies, Queen's Gambit series, Mean Girls, and All Barbie movies!

Recently finished Baby Reindeer. I can't say it's the best series yet, but it's great; it encapsulated the raw emotions of each characters. It has many trigger warnings, though.

Shawshank Redemption the best movie i've ever watched, it was really good, ada lagi Mad Max Fury Road, kalo series Alice In Borderland

maze runner, damsel, what happened to monday!! actually there are many more, but maybe you can try watching them first ^^

The Maze Runner HAHAHAHAHA soalnya bikin galau hampir setahun karena ada [redacted] tonton sendiri aja ya supaya lebih menantang

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