Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more
512 Ask
For now, are you seeing someone in romantically?
still looking forward on it.
mamas udah maem?
belum nih, baru mau beli.
How was your life?
superb, yet the uneasiness still choked me up. and how's it going, mate?
Life update.
Life updatenya sejauh ini terpantau mau makan kebab.
Udah makan belum?
Udah dong. Dd udah?
Mamas. Lagi apa?
Mamas lagi nungguin yakult yang tadi gak sengaja dibekuin buat cair.
Do you guys have any recommendations for something to watch while I eat my food?
Kimbab Family.
Follow back gue. Nanti gue tanya-tanya kayak dosbing.
diomongin gini malah jadi gue yang kena mental wkwkwkwk boleh aja.
Hi! What's your current obsession?
sleep, rel 👍
Are you seeing someone right now?
no, i am not
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