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Anonymous Coward · 2d

do you have any idea why the anilist bl manga you link may redirect to a 404 page instead?? i already signed in and turned 18+ content on but sometimes they still won’t show 😭😭

no idea... bc 99% of the time the case is that. like, double check that you signed in probably?? i'm sorry 😭

Anonymous Coward · 3d

i know you say there's lots of bl that should have more volumes but are there any that ended perfectly with 1 volume?

tough ask bc a lot of them always make me feel like "man i wish this got more content" but the best example would be send them a farewell gift for the lost time. well, that one ended up getting a reserialization very recently LMAO

i think a big problem with bls is that they almost never get the privilege of showing the characters after getting together, the opposite of many het romances (to my knowledge). why? please, show us how the characters are like now

Anonymous Coward · 5d

Hey there you mentioned in your previous ask that you used a specific upscaler for the raws. May I please know which program you used and where can I download it if possible.

i used mangascale run on chainner! tbh it was a lot of trial and error bc the textures on yuuma's blazer did not scale well on the model i typically use (digimanga) and a bunch others. typically i would only use waifu2x to denoise stuff but cmoa raws are horrible and the screentones are often Gone so i needed something that can restore them for me

Anonymous Coward · 7d

Hi! Do you know about any youtubers that are fudanshi/fujoshi that you maybe like to watch or that you know about?

i don't, sorry...! the video was sent in a server i'm in by an acquaintance of mine haha

Anonymous Coward · 10d

i loved your and your team’s work on kurose-kun…!! everything was so clean and the typesetting is soo good… it looked like an official english tl, or maybe even better than some… it’s a shame that you guys won’t be continuing it since another team got to it already (unless that team is giving it to you guys?) but i’ll keep supporting you and your team ^_^

Anonymous Coward · 10d

i just want to ask why you dislike omegaverse (and its sub genres) in particular. im not sure if you’ve answered this before in your account.

it gives me a very...Ick feeling. like a "wow i feel like an object" feeling. also having the whole plot centric around it is sloppy, unless you really want to deconstruct it. and i said it once and i'll say it again, but the only way you'll ever truly deconstruct omegaverse is if the mc the trans. trans in what way? who knows. but that'll never happen in a commercial bl manga bc people are cowards

Anonymous Coward · 10d

are there any bl you like that don’t strictly belong to the romance/slice of life genres? (like horror, fantasy, sci-fi, etc.)

Anonymous Coward · 10d

hello… may i interest you in this cute manga i found on the tl…

Anonymous Coward · 18d

i personally dont get what’s so bad about the current scanlations for kurose kun. it’s better than the machine tl that other ”tlers” provide at the very least

tbh when i qrted my old tweet i went more of the "someone else got to it first" route instead of the quality bc i'll be real i saw a chapter uploaded and i panicked and closed out of the page LOL i'm not looking at it

Anonymous Coward · 19d

is it okay if i take inspo from your synopse graphics for practice and maybe sharing with friends privately for recommendations?

Anonymous Coward · 20d

Do you know if there’s been a translation of Koi ni Naru Ni Yakoshii (to eng) yet ? You’re literally the only other person i’ve ever seen speak abt it and Im going crazy…😭

Anonymous Coward · 20d

do u have any tips for finding bl mutuals/friends?? 😭😭 not! i literally don't. i don't have that many myself...i just talk about things and pray someone notices me. alternatively i talk in scan group servers

Anonymous Coward · 21d

since you do typesetting, what’s your favorite font? :D

Anonymous Coward · 21d

do you have any tips for typesetting? i really want to try it

Anonymous Coward · 21d

regarding apps for ios. theres also "tachimanga", its the closest code-wise to the android app, only downside is that a couple features are locked behind premium while everythings free in the android vers. but yea

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