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Aire. · 6 answers · 3mo

Ikan dory ikan tongkol, nice try. (rate pantun gw dong, pleek?)

Sobat dahsyat · 3mo

if you could pick one out of Doraemon's pocket, what would you choose? ✨

Agak berat ya wks, I'll choose anywhere door so I can go anywhere without thinking about this and that 🤔

Milo. · 4mo

Minal minul, minal aidzin wal faidzin rubi :3

Milo. · 4 answers · 4mo

Met malem dari sy nyang galau {dikit}. Tell me your upbeat song dong. Kalau bisa lagu korea ya, biar malem ini bisa ajep-ajep anti galau😁☝🏻

GUA BARU BUKA PAS SUBUH BJIR. Galau kenapa fren? Walaupun udah ga malem lagi gua tetap akan rekomendasiin lagu upbeat (kalo bisa Korea) yaitu kalo ateez yang cyberpunk, wave, fever, sama stay. Kalo txt can't you see me, everlasting shine, new rules, Thursday child has far to go, happy fools, sama lagu debut mereka full album. Selamat ajep ajep (ga jamin artinya happy yang penting ajep ajep) 🔥 terus lagu fantasy boys pas semifinal (underrated abis) yang spaceman sama run please ini enak banget dan lu harus denger.

Milo. · 5mo

Ayo kapan warslot, gue mood ngejoki

Sobat dahsyat · 5mo

Spill on repeat song 🫵

Kepoo 👎👎 becanda, top 3 on repeat kalo berdasarkan spotify : anything 4 u lany, CAS 5SOS, sama crazy form ATZ.

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