𝐒anguine.⠀ ⠀♡̯ · 11 answers · 8d

Anon’s saying theres a callout being written on me? Idk for what bc I’ve never done anything to constitute a callout?? They won’t tell me either.

Idk what you have done other then BREATHE OXIGEN AND EXHALE CARBON DIOXIDE but okay, I think they personally hate you for some reason

what ? why would there be a callout? ur acc one of the nicest person ive seen on this website

Retrospring Anon Behaviour.
Besides that, I'd guess you either,
A). got mixed up with someone else
B). someone just wants to stir up drama
C). its bait or something along that line
Regardless, I'm sure you'd be safe. Most people know you're not some weird degenerate.

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