˚ ᷂ ⠀⠀ 𓏲 ⠀ ⠀Aera。 ⠀⠀𓂃 · 38 answers · 1mo

˚⠀ 𓏲𝄢⠀ Question
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ Of The Day.ᐟ⠀ 𓂃⠀
❝What's Your Favorite
⠀ Type Of Weather.ᐣ❞

Extremely cloudy with a light sprinkle

Its just so nicely cold and peaceful
Plus the light rain makes a nice background noise

rainy weather especially when it's raining an' a rainbow appears at the same time an' it looks so ahnjknd or/and
its fogging at the same time, i also rlly like when its thundering and i hear the rain on my windows
orrr just cool weather

rainy !!!! i was happy it was raining this morning even though i had to walk to school in it

the like, sunny but not HOT sunny
sunny comfortable, but unfortunately I'm from a tropical country, so it's mostly always hot HOT hhhuuhgggh

rainy weather is my favorite for sure! i'm a huge fan of foggy days too, anything cold is nice honestly

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