˚ ᷂ ⠀⠀ 𓏲 ⠀ ⠀Aera。 ⠀⠀𓂃 · 18 answers · 9d

˚⠀ 𓏲𝄢⠀ Question
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ Of The Day.ᐟ⠀ 𓂃⠀
❝What's The Best Compliment
⠀ You Ever Received.ᐣ❞

 I don't get typically moved by compliments, but I enjoy compliments on my music taste because I have a lot of passion for it.

My bf says that I remind him of a cozy room ( / something along those lines) & it's my favorite thing ever.

Idk about best but it did kinda stand out to me
A girl in my class said I had a nice a**
Really caught me by surprise at the time

Idk, my friend once said I'm "so smart its scary." He also once said, "you think so fast it boggles the eye." (He was psychic back then, and I think he could see me thinking.)
My English teacher in junior high was a very crass and cruel lady, but she did say once that I gave her a reason to wake up in the morning (because I was the only one who understood the material, or whatever), and also she told the girls in the class that they should marry me because I'll be a millionaire someday. =P

i sent selfies to a friend and he responded with “IM SCREAMING” and told me he loved my face

my teacher thought my essay was so good she got really excited when talking to me about it and said she showed it to her husband (which, I mean. out of all the essays she has to grade, I have to think she doesn't do it often). that stuck with me

Someone said they think I'll be in the national news someday for doing something really cool and important.

I dunno if that's the best compliment I've received but it was a strong one. And probably not true.

Last year someone asked me how I did my wings (wings is slang for a certain hairstyle) and that made me super happy since I always struggle with my hair + gave me a little gender euphoria lol

i appreciate every compliment i get c: but i think i like when my bf complimenrs me the most… and i have too many favorites from him that i just cant choose one (><)

'You look like you could handle yourself in a pub fight' by a random stranger in a pub

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