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M. Montgomery · 17 answers · 8mo

suggest me a movie, anyone ?? i'm up with any type of genre !!

ghost ship, damsel, under the paris (blm pernah nonton sii), insidious (semua part), after series, sbnrnya banyak tp aku lupa judulnya

Semua film yang ada Hercule Poirotnya seru!! Kayak Death on the nile, a hunting in venice dan banyak lagi.

hmm idk, i'm not interested in watching anything rn. but i see a lot of new k-dramas on tiktok, maybe one of them is your taste?

Kalau kamu lagi cari movie ringan dan ceritanya romance klise highschool gitu, bisa banget nonton 3 ini! Beneran bagus banget bikin gigit bantal. Oiya ini film China & Jepang ya.

  1. Fall in Love at First Kiss
  2. And Yet, You Are So Sweet
  3. Our Secret Diary

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