Merida · 8 answers · 3y

Can you notice when someone is avoiding you irl? What about online?

Some people talk to me, some people don't. I don't know the difference between someone avoiding me and someone just not being interested in talking to me. Maybe because I've never been avoided per se.

once I thought my roommate was doing just that, but I didn't say anything bc I couldn't figure out the reason. it turns out she was, in fact, avoiding talking to me. I think I have a decent read on people TBH

Yes, I think I can tell. If you do parkour in the opposite direction a FEW times when you see me, sure. But 22 times in a row? SOmething's up

Yes, I do. I would hope that I don’t bother anybody sufficiently that they have to avoid me online.

No. Frankly I just don't care about people in that way. I just assume people talk to me when they want to, and if they don't they wont. Sucks but it is what is.

Yes and yes. Though I sometimes seem to be unaware of it if not interested in the other person.

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