#4001 · 6 answers · 2y

Would you join eunomia.social?

Just looking over the page, it's an interesting idea but if the EU is funding it that's a huge red flag for me - I am willing to bet their definition of 'misinformation' is going to line up very conveniently with western capitalist hegemony

Maybe. I've long had an interest in alternative social media networks. I already joined Mastadon, but there's no one for me to talk to on there so I might not use it.

Der Drachenlord wurde von einem Gericht eben zu 2 Jahren Gefängnisstafe verureilt. Jetzt gibt es nur 1: Ich joine die Gruppierungen ihn wieder zu befreien! Davor werde ich nicht schlafen gehen!!

I believe some good instances will not federate with it. I'm not against fighting fake news, as it is advertised, but the mechanisms used for it have the potential to reach beyond just fake news, restricting the freedom of ideas but, most importantly, without explicitly saying that. This, and the fact that it's state-backed makes me answer a big no.

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