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Shan · 5 answers · 1d

Are you for or against illegal immigration?

against - deport us all back to Europe and Africa and give the Native Americans their land back

Becoming a citizen here is unnecessarily hard, so if you wanna vibe here in the meantime and do the work citizens don't wanna do while still paying taxes (which illegals immigrants often do), how tf is it skin off anyone's back? Immigrants deserve better in this country. We're on stolen land, after all

I'm all for people wanting a better life, but to do so illegally isn't appropriate. Especially when there are legal and safer means to do so.

To Brazil I'm against since it's unwise coming here. To other countries I'm 100% for.

I am positive for the right to seek refuge as a refugee. And I am pro human rights everywhere. Each country can and should decide if they want immigrants and who they like and who not. But that should not be carried out based on blunt racism, bloated nationalism and utter stupidity.

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