Pandy · 9 answers · 1y

If it meant utility and shopping bills would go back to normal, would you ask your country to pull out of supporting Ukraine?

Yes, fuck Ukraine and especially that piece of shit Zelenskyy! How many more umpteen billions of dollars are criminal politicians going to give them?! A lot of it or most of it is probably money laundering. The sanctions against Russia are harming the other countries more than Russia. "We're freezing to death to spite Putin!" Great strategy, retards! Putin must be laughing his ass off at all the idiots cutting off their noses to spite their face. When are people going to say enough is enough? What's happening over there is only being used as an excuse to fuck over the world. SMFH at all the current thing-supporting, virtue signaling NPCs willing to suffer and freeze to death over Ukraine. Fine. They want to be retards and suffer and freeze to death. Let them. Not my problem.

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