Wasserpistole · 9 answers · 6y

Have you ever thought of committing suicide or do you know a person that wanted to end his or her life out of despair?

Yes. I've been passively suicidal for a long time. I actually tried, perhaps half-assedly, to kill myself when I was 16. I tried overdosing on aspirin hoping I'd die of internal bleeding. I also tied a bandana tightly around my neck sometimes to try to either strangle myself or cut off blood to my brain hoping I'd pass out. That was all in October 2006, I think. I remember being really depressed around January 2009 because I wrote about it. I never harmed myself though. From summer 2011 through the end of 2011, I was really depressed and angry/upset because of life and family drama and badly wanted to die but never tried to kill myself. Instead, I just scratched my arm or arms with a sewing pin to vent. It wasn't full-fledged cutting and bleeding, just scratches, although scratches can be a tiny bit bloody. Ever since then, I've been much more passively suicidal. I'd describe it as a kinda typical "Ugh! Life sucks. My life sucks. Can I please just die already?" thinking. I won't lie and say I'm happy or content but I'm in a kinda tolerable situation where I'm able to stay alive for my family's sake. I'm basically existing as a sacrifice for them.

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