@liz£h · 5 answers · 4y

Under local curfew, do you think that will eliminate the coronavirus outbreak this season or eliminated it forever?

microbes / viruses and their associated infections never really go away -- the name of the game is CONTAINMENT. this means testing needs to be accessible: cheap, available in accessible locations, not just for people with employer-linked insurance. it also means that we need effective antiviral treatments and preventions (i.e., vaccines). unfortunately this all takes time and it takes even longer when capitalist-scum will take it as an opportunity to pocket a profit and fuck over the working class, but what's new !

Lockdown would work very well if people stuck to it. Time will tell if its being followed... unfortunately I'm doubtful.

Maybe not forever. MERS is still ongoing and that started 8 years ago. So far it seems to be working.

This virus will stay with us for many years to come as it will probably find always enough hidden places to start anew next time like it's other siblings.

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