ArsSanctum · 8 answers · 2y

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays everyone! This year is almost up! What is something you hope to accomplish in the year to come?

More lewds! I feel due to commission work (which I keep strictly SFW for now) and a lot of irl stuff I didn't do much lewd art and simply coasted by patreon requests, which kinda saddens me cause I want folks to follow me by my own merits than just of the stuff I request.

Hopefully this year I'll be able to increase NSFW production as well as quality.

Starting to draw again while being consistent about it. Like???? How am I suppose to make progress if I don't be constant about doing it?

Mostly improving my art and making it so more people are interested in what I create. Finding a spot where I can feel somewhat satisfied would be the best but I gotta take things one step at a time.

Merry Chrysler and happy presents day to you too!
I hope to get more sfw OC comics out and develop my art style even further. Especially wanna up my BG game!
Outside of art I'm gonna try to interact more with online and offline friends because these two years have low key crippled my social endurance lol

I foresee a lot of school work in my future for next year but it should be exciting ^^

Something I want to accomplish this year is be able to share Czeraja's lore that I've been building with everyone! That and being able to draw more of not just my own Characters together, but friend's OCs as well again! <3

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