ArsSanctum · 8 answers · 2y

Hey y'all! If you had to pick one thing (trait, tic, design choice, etc) you love the most about OC(s), what would it be?

On nettles casual outfit her sweater sleeve ends are supposed to look like skulls and i think it was very big brained of me, but i like her eyes a lot too. Astra's coat, my beloved. Amaryllis just generally i love her

Balei’s scar, I like the look of it + badass women with scars are always a win

Unique, or rogue, traits in general, be it motivation, execution or design pique my interest.

Considering the 2 I've got so far it's the fact that they're fundamentally good people but LOOK like absolute bastards.

The Argentiums being Aura users and Elio having Nigredo Pokemon.

I got sooooo much mileage from these two aspects, it's not even funny.

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