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Naina · 11 answers · 9mo

What if someone you never expected say 'i love you' romantic way (not platonic)? How do you respond?

If we rethink about it, doesn't the word "someone you never expected" would probably hit the same note as someone we never wanted to be going out with? Well, okay, that isn't 100% accurate because sometimes it could be about ones we admire and never thought we can have them as a lover. We never thought about them being in love with us because it has always been that "impossible".

Even though the "what if" theories keep running in mind that make it somehow possible for us to hear a love confession from those we never expect they would, whether the one we ever admire or not, taking my time is the only act I could excuse. Need to take my time, need to think about things properly, and the answer? It depends. Sometimes we could just spontaneously say no because?? Just no. In other case it'd probably end up as a yes, a big yes that impulsively coming out because the excitement is way too big to let us think even just a while, it's not always bad though, love grows. And sometimes, too, we have that desire to get to know them first, lowkey stimmed but then your sanity want you to see how things would go concluding by the times you spend as ones who get to know each other.

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