Naina · 14 answers · 2mo

What if someone you never expected say 'i love you' romantic way (not platonic)? How do you respond?

I've been in this situation, depending on who says that to me, if that's someone who steals my attention, it's an opportunity for me to say "I love you more" besides that, I would be much shocked over their feelings and appreciate them so much if they're someone not too close to me, appreciated their courage to express their feelings.

That's fine for me.. because humans are of course entitled to their own feelings. Doesn't mean I have to reciprocate though.

GIMANA YA.. Kaget lah pasti, tanya dulu bisa sukanya tuh kenapa. Kalau alasannya bikin aku luluh sih kayaknya bakal buka hati buat dia. WKWKWK.

My intrusive thought after reading this question that I'll answer with "who doesn't?" Instead (Just joking) (this behavior for turning every serious situation as a joke should be stopped)

Honestly, I've been in this situation several times, and my response depends on who says it. Usually, I'll just appreciate their courage and sincerity, then explain to them that I may not be able to reciprocate their feelings as gently as possible. :)

my response depends on who said it, and also depends on the situation. mungkin aku bakal kaget juga, mungkin respon ku kayak, oh? makasih ya. and of course i will try not to say anything that might hurt their feelings :D

my answer will depends on who said it. of course, i would try not to say any words that may hurt their feelings but still ill try to be firm with my answer. if communicating wont help then ill just cut them off because its simply disrespecting my opinion. :")

i think it's gonna be something awkward, i'd say "thank you for saying this", imo if they just want to express their feeling towards me, i'm okay with that

Maybe it's what we feel, but if there is, just tell the truth. But if you don't, tell her/him slow down. The feeling is no one knows, yaa.

It depends on the situation. If they said it out of nowhere, I'd feel incredibly confused or even uncomfortable, and my response might be something like, 'Oh? Okay... Thank you???' But if they said it during a deep convo or in a supportive context, I'd still be surprised, but I'd express gratitude and inquire further about what they said

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